
Sisimai 5.0.0


Sisimai 5.0.0 has been released! This release includes many changes that are not compatible with Version 4, so please check the Perl or Ruby version of your environment before installing or upgrading. Changes specific to the Perl version of Sisimai are indicated by Perl at the beginning of each item, and changes specific to the Ruby version of Sisimai are indicated by Ruby.


Sisimai 5.0.0 has been released to CPAN and RubyGems on 29th February 2024!

Breaking Changes

  • Perl Sisimai 5 requires Perl 5.26.0 or later
    • It uses postfix dereference internally. #446 #448
  • Ruby Sisimai 5 requires Ruby 2.4.0 or later
  • The make() method of the Sisimai class has been deprecated. It can still be used with a warning until Sisimai 5.1.0, but it is recommended to switch to the rise() method as soon as possible.
  • Bounce emails with a bounce reason of "vacation" are no longer decoded by default. If necessary, you can specify the Perl vacation => 1 or Ruby vacation: true option to the rise() and dump() methods to decode these emails. #436 #437 #220 #222
  • The Sisimai::Data class and the Sisimai::Factclass
    • The Sisimai::Data class has been renamed to the Sisimai::Fact class #419 #420 #208
    • The softbounce() method of the Sisimai::Data class has been deprecated. It can still be used with a warning until Sisimai 5.1.0, but it is recommended to switch to the new hardbounce() method of the Sisimai::Fact class as soon as possible. #402 #197
    • The "softbounce" field in the decoded results has also been deprecated. Please refer to the "hardbounce" field instead from Sisimai 5.0.0 onwards.
  • Changes in the Sisimai::Message class #401 #198
    • The Sisimai::Message class no longer creates objects
    • The make() method of the Sisimai::Message class has been renamed to the rise().
  • The Callback Feature #399 #191
    • The hook option for the rise() and dump() methods of the Sisimai class has been deprecated. Please use the newly implemented c___ option instead.
    • The c___ option takes a single argument, which can be either Perl an array reference or ruby an Array object.
    • The first element of the array passed to the c___ option is a Perl code reference or a Ruby Proc object, which is the same as what was passed to the deprecated hook option.
    • The second element of the array passed to the c___ option is a Perl code reference or a Ruby Proc object that processes the bounce mail files to be decoded.

Other Changes